Saturday Night Live, commonly known as SNL, is a late night sketch comedy show by Lorne Michaels. It premiered in October 1975 and has been one of the most culturally significant shows in the United States ever since. It should go without saying that the show has also had plenty of controversial moments. Sometimes, the celebrities causing these controversies have been banned from the show. Here are some of the most shocking and outrageous moments of Saturday Night Live.
Sinéad O’Connor
On October 3rd, 1992, musical guest Sinéad O’Connor took out a photo of Pope John Paul II, tore it to pieces and proclaimed we need to “fight the real enemy,” in reference to the abuse allegations against the Catholic Church. She did not include this part during her rehearsals at the show, so producers were shocked. She has been banned from the show ever since.
Adrien Brody
Actor Adrien Brody hosted SNL in a 2003 episode, where he ad-libbed an introduction for Sean Paul. While he did this, he was wearing dreadlocks and speaking in a fake Jamaican accent. Lorne Michaels did not think it was very funny, and had Brody banned for the unplanned joke.