Some of Country Music’s Most Important Spouses

Published on January 15, 2020

She May Not Look Dangerous, But… 

Does Kerr look like somebody who could be dangerous? She really seems like a kind and compassionate woman. While this is probably the case, she is still someone you shouldn’t mess with, because she actually has a black belt in karate! The Japanese martial art teaches practitioners how to use their body to defend themselves and fight people with a range of techniques. Kerr is obviously someone you shouldn’t make angry, because you might regret it!

She Has A Black Belt In Karate

She Has A Black Belt In Karate

Kerr Loves and Respects Her Mom

When she was asked about her role models and who she respects, Kerr said that one of her absolute favorite people was her own mom. Kerr explained why she respects her mother so much, saying that she is an amazing and inspiring person. Her mom ran the household when she was a child, as well as working, cooking, and cleaning for her family. It really is admirable when one person can run a whole household like that, especially when they have to work themselves.

She Idolizes Her Mom

She Idolizes Her Mom