Meet Yasmin
Yasmin Swift was hanging out with her friends in a local pub in Kent, England, as she usually did on weekends. However, no one could have anticipated how this night was going to go. When returning from the pub, the group saw a note on the windshield.

Meet Yasmin
What Was It?
As they approached the car, they wondered whether it was a parking ticket, possibly a note from someone who had accidentally scratched or hit Yasmin’s car, or even an advertisement. However, nothing could have prepared them for what it really was.

What Was It?
Getting the Authorities Involved
The friends continued joking around with one another as they approached the car. This cheerful energy didn’t last long as the friends were quickly silenced as soon as they caught wind of what the note detailed. It was a handwritten note that was incredibly direct.

Getting The Authorities Involved
What It Read
The handwritten note stated that Yasmin was parked illegally and that she wasn’t disabled. The note then ended off by saying that they were going to inform the authorities accordingly. It’s understandable that the group of friends was shocked after reading the message.

What It Read
An Illegal Act
It might be an illegal act to park in a handicapped parking area without being in possession of a special sticker. Yet, that doesn’t stop individuals from doing such things, even though it is highly frowned upon. However, this wasn’t why the friends were shaken up.

An Illegal Act
Past Experience
This wasn’t the first time that people have stared at and judged Yasmin for parking her car in disabled parking areas. Nonetheless, this was the first time that someone had left such a nasty and accusing note on her windshield, which brought her to tears.

Past Experience
Harsh and Brief
The note was harsh and brief, and it definitely was a testament against the saying that words can’t harm you. After the letter was read, it completely and instantly wiped the friends’ smiles off their faces. The entire situation was unnerving, overwhelming, and unnecessary.

Harsh And Brief
About Yasmin Swift
Yasmin was born a healthy and happy child. She remained in this healthy state until she finished school and became a hairdresser. Then one day she fell incredibly ill, but at first it was thought to be flu. That was until no medicine seemed to ease any of the symptoms.

About Yasmin Swift
Getting Worse
Yasmin and her family realized that something wasn’t right. She tried everything to get better, but nothing worked. She began getting sicker and thinner as the days went by. It started to dawn on everyone that this wasn’t just the normal cold or virus.

Getting Worse
The Hospital
Yasmin’s mom became increasingly concerned and decided that it was time to take her to the hospital. This was where they want several tests, but the doctors and nurses couldn’t find anything conclusive about Yasmin’s condition. They sent her back home, hoping that it was something temporary.

The Hospital
They Were Wrong
The situation didn’t improve as the doctors and nurse had hoped, and it got so bad that Yasmin and her family became constant visitors of the Tenterden Hospital in Kent, even knowing the staff by their first names. Doctors were left stumped by Yasmin’s illness.

They Were Wrong
A Diagnosis
As Yasmin’s condition was deteriorating, her friends and family became increasingly concerned. Eventually, doctors were able to come up with a diagnosis. They believed that Yasmin was suffering from Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, which is a rare disorder that affects the heart and lungs.

A Diagnosis
A Shocking Relief
Although Yasmin and her loved ones were relieved to know what was causing her illness, the diagnosis also came as a shock because the condition was something that was going to change her life and require adjustments to her daily routine.

A Shocking Relief
Changes Needed to Be Made
After she was diagnosed with PHTN, there were various changes that she needed to make. It was incredible that Yasmin was still alive because most patients suffering from PHTN don’t live up to 17 years old. However, she still needed to alter her lifestyle completely.

Changes Needed To Be Made
The Adjustments
In order to remain in a healthy state, Yasmin needed to take medicine every day through a special pump. Nonetheless, there still needed to be specific things that she couldn’t do again even with this treatment. All of this made it difficult for Yasmin to adjust to her new lifestyle.

The Adjustments
Paying for Her Treatment
The UK’s public health service primarily offers healthcare. Despite this state funding, the specialized equipment and medication that Yasmin required were quite costly. These costs started accumulating quickly, but Yasmin knew she needed the treatment. That’s when she formed a plan to pay for it.

Paying For Her Treatment
Yasmin’s Plan
Yasmin started by considering all of her options. After this, she finally decided that the internet was the best option. She wasn’t sure that the campaign would work because she didn’t have much experience with crowdfunding. She set a goal of $1,300 anyway and hoped for the best.

Yasmin’s Plan
After the campaign had gone live, Yasmin’s nerves got the best of her. What if it didn’t work, and she raised nothing for her medical bills? She knew that it would be difficult to afford this treatment without any help, but she didn’t give up hope.

Blown Away
Yasmin was blown away when she went to go and check on her campaign and saw the exciting news. She didn’t only hit the goal of $1,300 that she had wanted. She had exceeded this amount by more than 220 percent.

Blown Away
The Next Obstacle
After finding a way to pay for her treatment, Yasmin was left with another challenge: dealing with the stigma of her illness. Yasmin’s illness classified her as being disabled, despite her healthy-looking appearance. Long-distance walks and any form of strenuous work potentially life-threatening.

The Next Obstacle
Making the Best Out of the Situation
Yasmin’s diagnosis was unexpected and sudden, and it’s clear that her entire lifestyle took an instant turn. She understood that she had a lot to be grateful for, but she didn’t want this disability to have a big impact on her life.

Making The Best Out Of The Situation
Getting Back to the Note
The note that was left on Yasmin’s windshield was an excellent example of the stigma that’s attached to her everyday life. It was unfair that she was blamed for something she had not done, but this was what happened because of her invisible physical disability.

Getting Back To The Note
Posting to Social Media
Yasmin knew that she couldn’t ignore the hurt and anger she felt. People needed to hear how this misunderstanding had made her feel. That’s when Yasmin decided to turn to social media. This gave her a platform to vent all her frustrations.

Posting to Social Media
A Viral Response
Yasmin had used her social media post as a way to express her thoughts, feelings, and frustrations about what had occurred that night out with her friends. She never expected that she would get a viral response. She had unknowingly created a voice for those who suffer from invisible disabilities.

A Viral Response
Creating Awareness
Although the viral response was unexpected, she was happy that it received so much attention. All feelings surrounding the matter felt valid with the help of her loved ones’ and complete strangers’ support. However, she didn’t want the post to boil down to only one individual’s problem.

Creating Awareness
Additional Support
Yasmin didn’t just want to maintain a normal lifestyle to go to music festivals and go out with friends. She tried to maintain healthy relationships that offered her fulfillment. That included her relationship with boyfriend Tyler Norris.

Additional Support
About Tyler Norris
As time went on, Yasmin and Tyler’s connection grew more robust. Tyler was an emotional support system for Yasmin as she transitioned into this new lifestyle. It was obvious that Yasmin could trust Tyler because he was always there to offer her encouragement.

About Tyler Norris
By Tyler’s Side
It was undeniable that Yasmin felt incredibly confident and ready to take on anything life had to throw at her when she was by Tyler’s side. The couple decided to take a trip to Portugal. They were ready to embark on their first adventure together.

By Tyler’s Side
More Fun
Yasmin started having more fun than she had ever had before, and it wasn’t just because of Tyler. Her friends and family also played a huge role in Yasmin’s happiness. Yasmin’s illness was difficult, but it taught her to never take anything for granted.

More Fun
The Best Revenge
Yasmin related to saying that George Herbert had written, which detailed that living is the best revenge. It was clear that Yasmin was living her best life and showing her illness who was boss. She felt as though she was given a second chance, and she wanted to give back for it.

The Best Revenge
An Inspiration for Others
Yasmin felt incredibly lucky that she was able to live a normal life. She realized that there were some challenges, but the support and love she received got her through these. Her goal was to pick up right where she left off before receiving her diagnosis.

An Inspiration for Others
Outdated Views
Her treatment helped her live a healthier lifestyle, but it didn’t just change her physically. It also affected her mental wellbeing. She felt that the world didn’t understand what it meant to be classified as disabled. She wanted to inform, educate, and challenge the outdated views on disabilities.

Outdated Views
Her Time to Shine
Due to the success, she received from her crowdfunding campaign and her vital social media post, Yasmin realized that she was in an excellent position to educate and influence others. It was her time to make a difference in the world.

Her Time To Shine
Raising Awareness
She knew that she needed to take advantage of her 15 minutes of fame, and what better way to use this fame than to raise awareness of invisible disabilities. Yasmin was seen as an inspiration for those who had been suffering silently for years with the stigma of unseen disabilities.

Raising Awareness
Taking the Heat
Yasmin was commended for the way that she faced the ongoing stigma that was prevalent all around her. She knew that the best way to combat this judgment was to continue living a life that made her happy. She did this by not paying attention to those who judged her.

Taking The Heat
Keeping Her Chin Up
Just because Yasmin is able to continue living her life to the fullest doesn’t mean that she doesn’t struggle with hardships from her illness on a daily basis. The truth is that every day is a struggle, but that doesn’t stop her, which is inspirational.

Keeping Her Chin Up
All from a Note
It’s an insane revelation to think that all of this came from a nasty note that a horrible stranger left on Yasmin’s windshield. It just shows how prevalent this stigma on invisible disabilities is. How cruel could someone be without knowing the full story?

All From A Note
A Strong Woman
Yasmin didn’t let what this person said to get to her. She could have easily dismissed the note and pretended as nothing happened, but she did. She realized that it was just about her. It was about others that are also struggling with being disabled.

A Strong Woman
What She Did
Yasmin’s courage has brought awareness and support to those that would have gone unnoticed. Yes, there is still a stigma present, but it’s people who are slowly making changes and inform those ignorant in the matter, which is truly inspirational.

What She Did
The Result
The result of Yasmin’s actions has made a huge impact on the community. Her strong-willed nature to educate, inform, and challenge the outdated stigmas surrounding invisible disabilities have helped ensure people actively pay attention to those around them. The saying goes, ‘you never really know a person’s struggled from a glance.’ Yasmin’s story is a testament to this.

The Result