Man Refused Entry into First-Class Because of Woman, What Happens Next is Shocking

Published on February 17, 2021
It’s no secret that flying can often be quite overwhelming. Flying anywhere can be a real hassle and requires much preparation and time. This is because you need to schedule flights, pack, and make sure you have all your documents ready to go. However, all this stress is usually worth it once you arrive at your destination. That’s what Emmitt, who was looking forward to his relaxing vacation, thought would happen. However, nobody could have predicted the crazy experience he was about to go through while traveling. Who would have thought one woman could destroy everything. Here’s what happened to Emmitt.

Getting Ready to Fly

Emmitt was getting ready to fly off to his holiday destination. While getting ready to leave, he had no idea that someone could ruin the happy mood he was in. What happened in the airport was something nobody would have expected.

Getting Ready To Fly

Getting Ready To Fly

In the Airport

The entire process of checking in and boarding your flight can be incredibly overwhelming, especially if you’re traveling for the holidays. However, Emmitt didn’t want anything to get him down. He had been planning this trip for months.

In The Airport

In The Airport


His Vacation

Emmitt had planned a trip to the Dominican Republic. He had been working extra hard to afford this vacation, and nothing was going to stop him from enjoying his time, not even the stressful airport. However, he didn’t expect to encounter such nastiness while in the airport.

His Vacation

His Vacation


His Hard Work

Emmitt was clearly in a good mood as he stood in the line. He was humming away, ready for his Dominican getaway. Everything was going according to plan, and he was getting more and more excited. He worked incredibly hard and was about to enjoy the fruits of his labor.

His Hard Work

His Hard Work


Hearing a Voice

Emmitt stood in the line in preparation for the flight and was focused on the information he needed to provide the crew before entering the flight. He then noticed a noise coming from behind him. It was a woman who clearly had something to say.

Hearing A Voice

Hearing A Voice


A Condescending Woman

The woman addressed Emmitt with a condescending tone. In her mind, it was evident that Emmitt wasn’t supposed to be in the same line as her. The line was reserved for first-class flyers, and she couldn’t believe that Emmitt would be flying in first-class.

A Condescending Woman

A Condescending Woman


Losing Her Patience

She stated that Emmitt might be in the wrong place. However, before Emmitt could respond, she was already ordering him to remove himself from the line. It wasn’t long before the woman began screaming at the man. Something was seriously wrong with this woman.

Losing Her Patience

Losing Her Patience


Remaining Calm

Emmitt felt incredibly lost as he stared back at the screaming lady. He was very polite to her when he stated that he was in the correct line. However, the woman persisted that this wasn’t the truth. He didn’t know what to do.

Remaining Calm

Remaining Calm


Keeping the Peace

Emmitt was trying with all of his might to keep the peace. However, the woman just wasn’t having it. No matter what Emmitt told her, she still found it wrong for Emmitt to be in the same line. He wondered why it was him that she had decided to single out.

Keeping The Peace

Keeping The Peace


Making a Massive Scene

It was clear that the lady seemed outraged that Emmitt was in the first-class line. It was then that the woman started telling her opinions to her friends. She stated that he must be military in order to be flying first class.

Making A Massive Scene

Making A Massive Scene


What She Was Implying

No matter the reason, she was convinced that she deserved to board first because she paid for her ticket. She was implying that the first-class fare was far too much for Emmitt to afford. It was clear to Emmitt that the woman didn’t have any good intentions.

What She Was Implying

What She Was Implying


A Rude Woman

Again, Emmitt tried to clarify that he was in the right place and that he wouldn’t pass for the woman. Like everyone else in this line, she was going to have to wait. He tried to understand where the woman was coming from, but her actions were unjustifiable.

A Rude Woman

A Rude Woman


A Rude Statement

The woman then stated that Emmitt couldn’t have been flying in first-class because he was in the army. To her, he was too big to fit into anyone’s army. It began very clear that the woman had a colossal bark but no bite. How was she going to challenge his right to be in first-class?

A Rude Statement

A Rude Statement


The Elephant in the Room

It was frustrating to hear the woman trying to rationalize how Emmitt, an African-American man, could afford to be flying in first-class. Why was it any of her business? The woman’s reaction had now become the massive elephant in the room.

The Elephant In The Room

The Elephant In The Room


Standing His Ground

The woman had given Emmitt no room to speak. He didn’t want to start any conflict, but he knew that he needed to stand up against the prejudiced lady. He fired a comment at the woman, which left her speechless.

Standing His Ground

Standing His Ground


What He Said

Emmitt assured the woman that he wasn’t in the army. The reason he was flying first-class was that he was an African-American man with lots of money. The use of an incredible slur really drove the point home, and the crowd around him started to cheer.

What He Said

What He Said


Not the End

Emmitt decided to shine the light on the entire situation and post on his social media. He went onto Facebook to share his story with his mates. However, he didn’t realize that he soon would need to withdraw what he had previously stated.

Not The End

Not The End


Going Viral

In less than two days, Emmitt’s post had gone viral. There were hundreds of comments and thousands of shares. The masses were hearing Emmitt’s story. It was incredibly clear that you should never judge a book by its cover.

Going Viral

Going Viral



Once Emmitt arrived in the Dominican Republic, he saw that his post had gone viral. There were so many people who admired what he had done. However, instead of being enthusiastic about what the moral was behind the post, he was terrified.




The Wrong Reasons

He decided that his post was popular for all the wrong reasons. He had much time to reflect on what had transpired while he was on his trip. He had a realization. While waking up in paradise on his 37thbirthday, he saw that many people believed his article was fake.

The Wrong Reasons

The Wrong Reasons


Taking the High Road

Emmitt’s story was only a small piece of something much bigger. Nonetheless, this story was indeed real. However, Emmitt did go on to state that he now realizes that he should have handled it better than simply sharing it publicly.

Taking The High Road

Taking The High Road


Staying on the Path of Right

Emmitt has stated that he always tries to remain on the path of right. He does this to ensure that he never wrongs anyone. He always tries to put himself in the other person’s shoes. By sharing the post on social media, he didn’t help the situation.

Staying On The Path Of Right

Staying On The Path Of Right


Making a Public Apology

Emmitt later stated that he would like to make a public apology to the woman he had the encounter with. He realized that no matter how wrong her actions were, she didn’t deserve to be broadcasted over social media.

Making A Public Apology

Making A Public Apology


The World of Karens

This woman would be classified as a ‘Karen.’ No, this isn’t just a woman’s name. There’s a very evident stigma attached to calling someone a ‘Karen’ that this lady fits perfectly. Although the man apologized for his post on social media, it wasn’t him who was in the wrong.

The World Of Karens

The World Of Karens


What Is a Karen?

Karen has become a term used to describe a woman who makes people’s lives a little more challenging. This is mainly towards people of color. For this reason, the woman in the airport can be labeled as a ‘Karen.’

What Is A Karen?

What Is A Karen?


What She Did

Emmitt was keeping to himself when the woman started making problems for him. He had paid to be in first-class. However, the woman decided that this couldn’t possibly be true because he is a person of color. She was entitled and rude, just like any other ‘Karen.’

What She Did

What She Did


Happens A Lot

However, the sad truth is that this type of thing happens a lot. In fact, being a ‘Karen’ is widely known on the internet. There are over 770,000 posts about white women who have stuck their noses in places that they shouldn’t have been.

Happens A Lot

Happens A Lot


More Incidents

There have been many events where a woman has caused problems for people of color. In one of these cases, a woman was labeled as the San Francisco Karen when she called the police on a man of color who happened to be drawing the words ‘Black Lives Matter’ on his own property.

More Incidents

More Incidents


Entitled Karens

There are entitled Karens all across the world, and the internet is allowing those who are victims of a Karen to speak out about it. One of the best places is Reddit. This is where many people share the insane things Karens have done to them.

Entitled Karens

Entitled Karens


When Karens Go Too Far

An employer at Home Depot first encountered a Karen who didn’t want any black men installing her new floor. This employee was in charge of arranging her order and told her that they couldn’t select workers by race. This didn’t end well.

When Karens Go Too Far

When Karens Go Too Far


Asking for the Manager

In true Karen fashion, the woman proceeded to tell the employee that she wanted to speak to the manager. However, she quickly changed her mind when she saw that the manager was an African American. It’s safe to say that she didn’t go forward with her flooring.

Asking For The Manager

Asking For The Manager


Name Calling

One Karen had even resorted to name-calling when a lady ignored Karen’s son. The only reason for this person ignoring the son was because he was hitting on her by saying Konnichiwa and other racist slurs. The Karen then told the woman was the racist one.

Name Calling

Name Calling


Fighting Back

In some cases, people who are discriminated against fight back against those who are wronging them. This is always good to hear, as these types of stories don’t often come with a happy ending. Instead, you’re generally left infuriated.

Fighting Back

Fighting Back


Suing American Airlines

The USA Today news team has reported that a black man is suing American Airlines. This is for discrimination after the black man was removed from his first-class seat because he was allergic to another passenger’s support canine.

Suing American Airlines

Suing American Airlines



Since news broke about this incident, American Airlines has confirmed that the black man, Dana Holcomb, was removed from a connecting from Phoenix to Austin. However, Dana’s attorney has since clarified this statement to offer more information on the issue.




Taken off the Plane

Dana’s attorney has confirmed that he was taken off the plane. However, this was done so that a dog could continue to fly in the first-class cabin. During a press conference on the matter, Reginald McKamie Sr. has stated that this was discrimination.

Taken Off The Plane

Taken Off The Plane


Not the First Time

Although this matter has become widely known, this isn’t the first time that American Airlines has done such a thing. People have come forward to show that the airline has repeatedly humiliated African American citizens when flying.

Not The First Time

Not The First Time


More Problems

American Airlines has been in the headlines for quite some time with many different problems. Celebrity Chrissy Teigen has even slammed the airline for the management’s recent decision to fill all American Airlines’ flights to full capacity amid the global pandemic.

More Problems

More Problems


Missing Details

The statement released by American Airlines seems to display Dana as being argumentative and difficult to please. However, many people are standing up against the airline as this isn’t the first time that this type of behavior has been reported.

Missing Details

Missing Details


Time to Make a Change

In fact, many people are asking to stand together and not use the airline until those in charge bring justice for Dana, as well as stop discriminating against people of color. Many people believe that it’s time to make a positive change in the way that people of color are viewed in America.

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