These Photos Were So Perfectly Timed, You Have To See Them To Believe

Published on April 24, 2023
Have you ever had one of those days when you just barely miss the train, which makes you late for a meeting, causing you to potentially miss out on an important promotion at work? Or have you experienced the opposite — making it just in time for a bus, getting somewhere just in time to beat the crowds? Often in life, timing is truly everything. That’s why when things are perfectly timed, especially when not planned, it is truly one of the most satisfying experiences one can have. Here are some examples of moments that were perfectly captured that you really have to see in order to believe they’re real.

Out Of Step

Being in the military truly means you must lose all of your individuality and become one of many in a uniform, perfectly oiled machine. That’s why standing out is really not encouraged or appreciated for soldiers. Unfortunately, this one particular soldier missed the memo, and chose the wrong moment to let out a yawn while this photo was snapped.

Out Of Step

Out Of Step

Hanging Moon

As children, many of us wondered how the heck the moon is present in the sky. Even if you were given the scientific explanation, you might have come up with your own theory about what is keeping the moon in the sky. If you would have seen this particular photo, you might have totally believed that the moon is actually being held up by a crane.

Hanging Moon

Hanging Moon


Ready, Set, Meow

Watching sports live is always an exciting activity, especially if you’re looking for something to watch that’s good for the whole family to get into. This was especially the case for this family, whose cat even got so into the action, that she wanted to join in on the fun. She was especially pumped about winding up for the big sprint event.

Ready, Set, Meow

Ready, Set, Meow


Is There Also A Pot Of Gold?

As the legend goes, apparently at the end of a rainbow you’ll find a pot of gold. This road might look like it leads right to a pot of gold at the end, however, we have to be the bearers of bad news and tell you that according to science, you might keep looking forever, since there’s no actual end to a rainbow, since they don’t have an actual end. The rainbow’s arc is merely an illusion, as is the pot of gold you’d be looking for.

Is There Also A Pot Of Gold?

Is There Also A Pot Of Gold?


This Again?

You might think that being an athlete means that it is a constant source of excitement and adrenaline. While many competitions can be blood-pumping, for some athletes, some activities can be just another day’s work, like for this athlete. She seems truly bored with the task at hand, and we wonder just how many times she’s practiced this move that it has become so yawn-inspiring.

This Again?

This Again?


Blending In

It’s not often that things work out perfectly, especially while you’re traveling, which usually means that you have fewer outfit options than usual. That’s why this photo is so impressive, since we doubt that this woman planned it out in advance. Even so, the fact that her outfit so perfectly blended into this background.

Blending In

Blending In


Planking Duo

If you were anywhere near the internet around the year 2011, you might recall a fad that many people were participating in called planking, which involved lying face down in an incongruous location and often captured in a photo and posted online. At least these guys were creative when it came to their rendition of planking, taking things to the next level with mid-air planking and posing.

Planking Duo

Planking Duo


Missing The Serve

There’s nothing quite like gathering a group of your friends and organizing a game of volleyball, especially if you’re enjoying a trip to the beach and can play on the sand, or if you have a volleyball court at your local park. What’s not so fun is when you miss the serve and end up clobbering your friend right in the face. Next time, she should definitely aim for the ball!

Missing The Serve

Missing The Serve


Summertime Nightmare

First of all, we must commend the creativity of this shot and how well it turned out, which leads us to the fact that it looks so realistic that it totally freaks us out! While we know that there are either two ladies involved in this optical illusion or there are some fancy photoshop skills going on here, we can’t help but still feel creeped out by this pool-side horror.

Summertime Nightmare

Summertime Nightmare


Yoga Time

For some reason, many people who practice yoga love to post photos of them doing yoga. However, many times these photos end up looking quite amazing, so we can’t really blame them. Take this duo for example. They clearly took a lot of time to plan and execute this photo, from coordinating outfits to planning this pose. It really looks like their hard work paid off and the image is absolutely incredible.

Yoga Time

Yoga Time


One Leap And He’s Gone

While out in nature, this guy got so excited to see a lot of creatures and animals that he didn’t normally see in his day to day life. One of these creatures was an amazing spotted frog. He got so excited that he took out his camera to snap a photo, but the frog had other ideas in mind. He quickly hopped out of the guy’s hand, and he was left with this crazy action shot of the frog’s insanely fast leap. While it’s not the photo he had in mind, you can’t say it isn’t an amazing snap!

One Leap And He's Gone

One Leap And He’s Gone


Pup In A Bubble

You’ve heard of the boy in the bubble, but what about the dog in a bubble? While it would be an incredible feat to somehow capture a dog in a bubble like this, it’s much more likely that this is a perfectly timed photo of a bubble right in front of the dog running in the background. We commend this photographer who managed to time it so well, since these bubbles tend to pop rather quickly.

Pup In A Bubble

Pup In A Bubble


Professional Planking

Speaking of that 2011 popular meme, here we can see a true professional getting in on the trend. Who better to join in on the planking trend than a gymnast, who is already so used to crazy contortions of the body? We must say that this guy has certainly earned a 10 in our books when it comes to his planking, and we hope that the judges behind him agree.

Professional Planking

Professional Planking


Fish Eyes

While we must admit that the effect in this photo is really cool, we also can’t help but say that we wouldn’t do this ourselves. This guy captured two identical fish and posed for this picture that makes the fish’s eyes look like his. The final product looks amazing, but we don’t recommend placing live fish near your eyeballs, especially if they are still alive.

Fish Eyes

Fish Eyes


Get Off Me

Have you ever gone horseback riding? If you have, you’ll probably be familiar with the fear of being bucked off of a horse, though it’s much more likely to happen if you’re at a rodeo rather than on a relaxing horseback ride with a guide. Well, this poor cowboy learned the hard way that some horses just don’t enjoy the rodeo life. Hopefully he is okay and is ready to get back to the rodeo with a different horse.

Get Off Me

Get Off Me


Trail Blazer

Looking out of the window while on an airplane is always a fun activity, especially if you’re bored while on the flight. True, sometimes you’ll only see vast stretches of water, but often you’ll be greeted with incredible sights. Between a bird’s eye view of major cities, snow-capped mountains, and crazy cloud formations, there are so many wonders to take in. Here we see an interesting gap in the clouds, we wonder what may have caused this interesting trail.

Trail Blazer

Trail Blazer


Mouse Ninja Warrior

For anyone who has watched American Ninja Warrior, you might be familiar with the obstacle involving parallel glass walls that require contestants to navigate up using their hands and feet, just like this little mouse is doing. With this kind of training, he’ll be able to join the next season of the show and gives some other competitors a run for their money.

Mouse Ninja Warrior

Mouse Ninja Warrior


All About Perspective

Whoever snapped this shot knows a little something about photography. Not only is the angle a super interesting one, but the photographer was also able to capture a plane flying above right in the center of the shot. The person who captured this photo must have been standing in the courtyard of this building when they heard the plane coming. Luckily the camera was handy to capture this amazing shot.

All About Perspective

All About Perspective


A Big Baby

Of course, if we think about this photo logically, we know that there’s a clever optical illusion going on here that makes it seem like this father’s head is attached to the little boy’s body. However, it’s much more fun to look at it and imagine that this man has somehow retained a little boy’s body, in a reverse Benjamin Button kind of situation.

A Big Baby

A Big Baby


Pelican Prey

You might have seen a pelican before if you’ve spent time near coastal waters, but have you ever really taken a look at one? We have to admit that before we saw this photo, we never really thought about how they capture their prey. This image gives us a pretty interesting look at the moment right after it has captured a creature to gobble up.

Pelican Prey

Pelican Prey


Anything But My Cake

Anyone looking at this photo can absolutely relate to the horror that this woman is experiencing. One of the best parts of having a meal out is the prospect of having a delicious and indulgent dessert. This woman ordered one of her favorites, a strawberry cheesecake. So when it got completely knocked off her plate, it is understandable that she gazed with a look of absolute devastation on her face. Hopefully she was able to get another one instead.

Anything But My Cake

Anything But My Cake


Touch The Sky

Here we see another amazing photography opportunity that has luckily been captured and immortalized. This time, this guy saw a reflection of a plane in a puddle on the ground, and was even able to get himself in the snap as well. How cool is this picture?!

Touch The Sky

Touch The Sky


Water Framed

This photo was taken at just the right moment and shows the incredible beauty of nature. The wave’s positioning perfectly framed the stunning background and gives us a glimpse of the symmetry that can be found in nature if you look closely enough. It’s absolutely gorgeous.

Water Framed

Water Framed


Poor Puppy

If you’ve ever been around a puppy, you’ll know that they are tiny fur-balls of energy. They seem to have endless abilities to zoom around, running and exploring non-stop. However, sometimes this can lead to mishaps, like this little guy that ran a little bit too hard and ended up landing on his head. We hope that this pup is alright!

Poor Puppy

Poor Puppy


Let’s Take A Selfie

By around 2013, most of us had already become quite familiar with the concept of a selfie. It seems like at this point, the idea has proliferated so much so that our furry friends have even picked up on this habit, as is evidenced in this photo that this adorable cat has taken with its friends.

Let's Take A Selfie

Let’s Take A Selfie


Channeling All The Power

Talk about the power of belief! Whether you are religious or not, you have to admit that this photo taken of this statue is quite incredible. For those who do believe, this could even have some significance or deep meaning. What do you think?

Channeling All The Power

Channeling All The Power


Crashing Down

If you’ve ever tried building a tower out of anything, and especially plastic cups, you’ll know that it’s a more challenging task than most would imagine. Just one wrong move, and it’ll all come tumbling down. This guy actually managed to make it all the way to the top of the tower before his creation came down. You can tell how upset he is from his face.

Crashing Down

Crashing Down


Terrifying Aquarium Trip

While you might think that filling your child’s schedule with activities will be great for their development, you also have to stop and consider how they’re processing these activities. This girl’s parents probably thought that taking her to the aquarium will be a great way to spend a Sunday, but it ended up completely scaring her.

Terrifying Aquarium Trip

Terrifying Aquarium Trip


0/10 Dive

Diving is a seriously impressive sport. How many people do you know that can do flips and land elegantly in the pool? The key word here is “elegantly,” which unfortunately for this woman, was not the case. While we’re sure that she is highly skilled, it looks like this time she miscalculated the distance of her jump from the diving board. We just hope her head is okay!

0/10 Dive

0/10 Dive


Hang On

While on his relaxing tropical vacation, this guy decided to get a photo snapped to remember the memories later. He had no idea that he’d also be documenting this poor woman’s unfortunate backwards fall into the pool. The crazy part is that she doesn’t seem too bothered by the fact that she’s about to back-flop into the water.

Hang On

Hang On


Always A Bridesmaid

You’ve like heard the expression “always a bridesmaid, never a bride,” and we’re willing to bet that this poor bridesmaid has heard it at least once to twice as well. Perhaps this time was just one too many, and she couldn’t handle seeing yet another one of her friends moving on to the next stage of life while she gets left behind. We hope she was able to pick herself up off the floor and be happy for her friend, though.

Always A Bridesmaid

Always A Bridesmaid


Think She Noticed?

Rhythmic gymnastics has been popular for quite some time and uses equipment like hoops, ribbons, clubs, and balls combined with dance, gymnastics, and calisthenics to create a branch of sport unlike any other. Since it has been added to the Olympics in 1996, its popularity has only grown. This gymnast is using the ball, but has somehow managed to bop herself in the face with it. We hope she didn’t have too many point deducted.

Think She Noticed?

Think She Noticed?


Trippy Bird

Sometimes when someone is trying to photograph nature in action, they manage to get the “action” part more than the nature itself. This photographer wanted to capture this beautiful orange and blue bird, but the bird’s head movement was just so fast that it came out as a swirly blur instead of a face. It still looks cool though!

Trippy Bird

Trippy Bird


Scary Selfie

Anyone who is this willing to get that close to a shark can absolute not complain if something crazy happens to them. However, we’re willing to bet that this guy took an underwater selfie and perhaps added in a photoshopped shark. If this photo is real though, more props to him, and we hope he’s still okay!

Scary Selfie

Scary Selfie


Bad Timing

This poor fish was minding his own business and swimming along these waters. He decided to jump up into the air as fish tend to do, but he had no idea that someone was watching him the whole time and decided to jump up out of the water at exactly the right time for the fish to land right in his mouth. It looks like this alligator certainly got his lunch sorted.

Bad Timing

Bad Timing


Davy Jones, Is That You?

Davy Jones is the captain of the Flying Dutchman in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest and At World’s End, but we had no idea that you could find him fishing along the coastline on this day off! What’s actually happening here is this man caught a fish that wasn’t going down without a fight, and someone captured this picture just in time.

Davy Jones, Is That You?

Davy Jones, Is That You?


Best Goalies

Who said that animals can’t be athletes? These cats prove that they are more than willing to fully commit to trying to save a rogue ball. Just look at the concentration in their faces and the determined jumps. If that’s not dedication to the sport, we don’t know what is.

Best Goalies

Best Goalies


Where Do You Think You’re Going?

This photo is absolutely hilarious, as it looks like this giant Buddha stature has had enough of tiny planes flying around it, buzzing around it like flies, and he has simply grabbed onto the end of the plane as if to say: “gotcha!” We’re sure that the passengers on the flight wouldn’t be as amused by this as onlookers would be though.

Where Do You Think You're Going?

Where Do You Think You’re Going?


Hanging On

This poor baby was exploring the idea of getting up on a chair all by himself, before it tipped over and he took a spill. What we’re wondering is why the person who was taking the photo was busier taking the photo rather than watching the baby and helping him from falling to the ground. We hope that nothing too serious happened to the kid!

Hanging On

Hanging On


Oh No!

Anybody who has played Jenga knows how nerve-wracking it can be, trying to gently pull out one of the blocks without having the whole tower come crashing down. However, if you’ve played you have likely been that player at least once, and try as you might, the whole thing came down, just like happened to this kid. At least the adults around him seem entertained!

Oh No!

Oh No!