Firefighters are Stunned When They Realize What They’ve Saved

Published on July 18, 2021

Our Furry Friends

Firefighters can probably name hundreds of situations where they’ve been called to a situation involving animals. In some cases, the animal is trapped in a fire, or perhaps they’ve gotten stuck up in a tree! In many situations, firefighters are equipped with the tools necessary to help animals out of sticky situations. Similarly, some people don’t feel comfortable helping animals they don’t know, and this is when firefighters can step in. There are all kinds of animals who have gotten the help of firefighters.


Furry Friends Too

Not Just Cats

Most of us picture firefighters crawling up trees to rescue cats, but this is only one of the many animals they assist. There are lots of domesticated animals that become trapped in dangerous situations, including dogs, hamsters, lizards, birds, and more. Firefighters aren’t really trained to deal with exotic animals, but in the case that they have to respond quickly, they’ll even save these exotic creatures from fire! Every animal is treated equally when they need the help of a first responder.


Every Animal