When it comes to twins, everyone imagines them dressing similarly and looking the same. Though they are likely to have different personalities and may prefer not to match attire, you can tell that they are twins in a crowd. However, that isn’t always the case. These biracial twins prove that you can come from the same parents at almost the same time without having the same skin color. It’s incredible that this is genetically possible, yet here it is waiting for you.

Maria And Lucy – Biracial Twins
Getting the Exciting News
Vince and Donna Aylmer lived in Gloucester, England. They were thrilled to hear that they were having another baby. With five family members, a sixth person was a blessing. At the time, Donna was a 49-year-old employee at a warehouse while Vince was a scaffolder at 55-years-old. At her first doctor’s visit, she received an ultrasound and a checkup. The couple didn’t expect anything out of the blue, seeing as they’d both been through this three times already. However, the news they were about to get would shock them.

Twins On An Ultrasound
Not Just One Tiny Baby
During the ultrasound, the Aylmers were told by their doctor that they should prepare for two little ones. Of course, millions of thoughts rushed through the couple’s head. They already knew what was in store because they had three of their own, but two more was a bit to take in. Donna was just glad to hear that both of the babies were developing at a normal rate and deemed healthy at such a young age in the womb.

Ultrasound Photos Of The Twin Girls
How Common Are Twins?
You may not realize it, but having twins is actually quite uncommon. Identical twin pregnancies only occur in one out of every 250 births. If you were to have fertility treatments, you do increase the risk of having twins. However, this is often fraternal twins and not the identical twin variety. Fraternal twins are more common, with the mother having a one in 17 chance if the mom is a fraternal twin, as well.

The McClure Twins (YouTube Sensations)
What were They Going to Do?
Donna and Vince already had three children named Jordan, Chynna, and George. The married couple worried that twins might be a bit of a handful. Though they were getting up there in years, they still had a lot of love to give, so they didn’t let a happy surprise stop them. They celebrated the news of twins as a significant blessing. Of course, they were soon to find out that the shocks weren’t done yet!

The Whole Family (with Lucy And Maria)
The Big(ger) Surprise
The day finally came for the twin girls to be born. Vince and Donna were so excited and rushed to the hospital, where the girls were born on January 16, 1997. Her midwife looked shocked, which threw a cast of doubt on the new parents. She seemed highly confused and was utterly speechless. However, that seemed completely reasonable, given what she saw come out of her patient. As it were, the couple was surprised when they were handed their brand-new babies.

Maria And Lucy As Babies
What They Witnessed
When Donna was finally handed her twin girls after hours of labor, she was shocked. In one arm, she held a baby with a snow-white complexion. This little darling had ginger hair and deep blue eyes and was named Lucy. However, the other baby girl held in her mother’s arm looked quite different. She had a significantly darker complexion, brown hair, and beautiful brown eyes. She was named Maria. How was this even a possibility?

Lucy And Maria All Dolled Up
What Are Fraternal Twins?
Fraternal twins are created from two separate eggs, both of which are fertilized by two different sperm. In a sense, you could get biracial twins if the mother chose to have intimate relations with a man of two different races (white and black, for example). However, the odds are astronomical because there are so many factors to consider. Likewise, most women only release one egg to be fertilized a month. There’s no telling if you could release two eggs or when you might.

Fraternal Twins (Boy And Girl)
What Are Identical Twins?
Fraternal twins may be more common, but identical twins are quite exciting. It happens when one egg is released, and one sperm fertilizes it. At some point during development, the embryo splits into two parts. These are identical, and each will develop into a baby. Therefore, the babies are completely identical on a genetic level. All of the genes are shared fully, and they will always be the same sex. Often, both babies share the same placenta.

Identical Twin Formation
The Same, But Also Different
As with most parents of twins, Donna chose to put her girls in matching outfits all the time. It’s part of the twin life. Though it was quite cute, strangers often stared in confusion because the girls looked very different from each other and not at all like the twins they were. Since Lucy had red hair with curls and blue-green eyes, she passed as Irish. Maria, though, had features that resembled those from the Caribbean Islands.

Lucy And Maria Dressed In Matching Clothes
Can Biracial Twins be Identical?
Biracial twins are still a new phenomenon right now. However, that doesn’t mean that much is known about them. Most people wonder if biracial twins could ever be identical. Of course, that is impossible because of the different skin tones. Plus, these children are likely to have different eye and hair colors, as well. Technically, biracial twins will always be fraternal. This means they could look completely different and be of opposite sexes.

Identical Vs. Fraternal Twins Chart
Developing a Sense of Identity
At about 7-years old, the twins finally decided that they didn’t want to dress the same anymore. They knew that they were twins but didn’t like the idea of wearing the exact same thing if they didn’t look alike. Of course, they’d get stared at all the time because strangers and schoolmates didn’t understand. It’s not uncommon for twins to stop doing everything the same as they get older. Establishing their own identities was the start, but it had a variety of challenges, too.

Lucy And Maria With Their Mother On Their Birthday
No Twin Tricks Here
Most twins enjoy dressing similarly and confusing their parents. Lucy and Maria were put in the same school and class, but they could easily be told apart. Therefore, the girls didn’t get up to any of the usual twin shenanigans, such as swapping homework or names to play tricks on their teacher. Though they were happy that they could identify as individuals, they couldn’t enjoy normal twin perks. These two girls had distinctively different looks, but they’d soon learn just how different they were.

Maria And Lucy Wearing Matching Shirts
What Are Conjoined Twins?
There are a variety of ‘twins’ out there, but most people are more familiar with twins that look identical or have the same features but look different (or are different sexes). However, conjoined twins are in a realm all their own. When this happens, there are two babies (either identical or fraternal) who were born while still connected to each other physically. It occurs when the embryo only partially separates. Usually, conjoined twins are connected at the pelvis, chest, or abdomen.

Conjoined Twins At Age One
Completely Different Yet Still Family
The girls didn’t talk much about themselves when they were younger, but when they turned 18, their story caught the eye of many news outlets. Lucy spoke to those at Inside Edition about the personality differences. She claimed that Maria was more outgoing while she was shy. Maria immediately agreed though she did say that Lucy had come out of her shell a bit since they were youngsters. It did cause a bit of a rift between them as young girls, though they soon bounced back.

Maria And Lucy In Matching Pajamas
Are Identical Twins Actually Different?
Though you can plainly see the differences between Maria and Lucy, some people may wonder about identical twins? Are they really completely the same? The answer is no! Often, identical twins have some slight physical differences based on their environment. They may be different heights or have different weights because they eat different things, exercise more or less, and such. Sleep and illnesses can also play a huge part in determining if and when identical twins may start looking slightly different.

Identical Twins Look Nothing Alike
Did They Fight with Each Other Often?
Of course, siblings are going to argue and fight, so yes, Lucy and Maria had their fair share of issues. However, Lucy would always stay away from strangers, while Maria usually had the confidence to walk up to people and start a conversation. The twins weren’t the closest when they were younger because of those differences. However, that did change as they got older and learned how unique they were. Read on to see how they are doing today.

Lucy And Maria As Toddlers
They Had Personal Issues to Work Through
Maria and Lucy had things that they didn’t like about themselves. For example, Maria didn’t want her curly hair and would cry about it. Lucy wasn’t satisfied with her pale skin because the other school children would tease her and call her a ghost. Plus, the kids would say she had been adopted into her family. These things made the girls feel self-conscious about themselves, their looks, and their heritage.

Maria And Lucy Hugging As Children
Challenges that Parents of Biracial Twins Might Face
Since people are likely to question the validity of the child, most mothers are looked at as having multiple sexual partners. Even the father could be ridiculed if this happens. People might accuse the mother of cheating, which is very emotional for everyone. Often, other parents and children might make fun of the child with a different skin tone. It’s not uncommon for these families to be called racial-slur names.

Biracial Twins With Their Parents
How They Felt
Both of the girls felt like they weren’t normal or part of their family, which was not true. Their parents loved them both, as well as their older children. Lucy often reasoned with herself, claiming that she got the pale skin from her grandmother. Her hair was quite curly, as well, though it wasn’t in tight ringlets like Maria’s. Therefore, she started to straighten it when she got older so that it would look a little more tamed and less wild.

Lucy And Maria At The Toddler Table
Was There a Switched-at-birth Mistake?
Unknowingly, the Aylmers created a biracial set of twins without knowing it. Clearly, color and tone do not show up on an ultrasound, so they couldn’t have known what was going to happen. It wasn’t until the girls were born that they realized something was a bit different. The chances that two parents can create biracial twins are almost one in 500. Read on to find out if the twins were somehow switched at birth.

Vince And Donna The Parents Of Biracial Twins
The Other Children
Remember, Donna and Vince had three other children and were a biracial couple themselves. Chynna, George, and Jordon all had a dark complexion. However, none of them were quite as dark as Maria, and they were all much darker than fair-complexion Lucy. Yes, the question arose as to whether or not the kids were switched at birth, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, it had all to do with science and nothing to do with a hospital mix-up. Continue reading to find out how this could happen.

Maria, Jordan, Chynna, Donna (Mother), George, And Lucy
How Was It Possible?
Biracial twins are a possibility, though quite rare. It happens when the parents are two different races and ethnicities. For example, Vince was Caucasian and may have had ties to the Irish. Donna, on the other hand, was half white and half Jamaican. Therefore, it makes complete sense that all of their children would be a mixed skin tone. The difference with the twins is that they had different skin colors and didn’t look the same.

Lucy And Maria Standing Side By Side
The Science Behind Biracial Twins
There are two types of twins, including non-identical and identical. Maria and Lucy were non-identical because each girl was formed from a separate egg while in the womb. In a sense, two different eggs were released at the same time. Two eggs and two sperm led to Donna being pregnant with two babies with different genes. It was just happenstance that each child had a different skin color. However, there was a high probability of this happening. Find out why.

Lucy (Sitting) With Twin Sister Maria
Donna Was a Mixed Lineage
It all comes down to Lucy and Maria’s mother, Donna. Since she was of a mixed lineage, there was a higher chance that one twin would come out white/light, and the other would be darker. Donna carried a gene for black and white skin. Therefore, she could pass on the white gene to either or both children. The opposite applied: Donna could also give the black gene to one or both of her kids.

Donna Aylmer Talking About Her Shocking Birth
How Rare Are Biracial Twins
There is only a one in 500 chance that a couple can produce biracial twins. Though rare right now, twin experts predict that there could be an increase because mixed-race couples are also more common. However, the stigma associated with skin color is paramount here. Most people don’t believe that the mother has a child with the same skin tone as her other children AND one that looks completely different.

Biracial Babies
Maria and Lucy Growing Up
Of course, Maria and Lucy learned early on that they were different from each other, though both were born at about the same time. They developed different personalities and appearances, as well as styles. Lucy now prefers to dress using dark makeup, piercings, and edging clothing. However, Maria prefers to wear more sophisticated things with a fun little Boho twist. This did have an effect on how close they were when younger. Lucy claims that they could have been closer siblings if they’d looked more like twins.

Close Up Of Maria And Lucy
Strong and Close Now
Regardless of the past, the two twin sisters are much closer, and their bond is strong now. Though they still look very different, they have moved passed those things and have become best friends. Maria proudly tells anyone who will listen that her twin is white, and Lucy is blessed to be able to say her twin sister isn’t the same color. While they’ve come to embrace their uniqueness, other people in their lives have taken it quite hard, especially at first.

Lucy, Chynna, Vince (Father), George, Jordan, And Maria
Why Twins Are Closer than Non-Twins
There are no scientific reasons why twins tend to be closer to each other than non-twins. However, most scientists believe that it is because they share a bond, starting with appearances. Because they look so much alike, it is easy for them to do similar things and enjoy each other’s company. Also, most parents who have twins choose not to have any other children. The twins play with each other and often can’t bear to see the other in pain.

Twin Boy Toddlers Playing
The Twins’ College Days
Embracing their differences is something that these girls have had to do since a very young age. They haven’t just focused on their style, but they also decided on different career paths when they got to college. Lucy chose Gloucester to be a design and art student while Maria decided to attend Cheltenham College to study law. Since they talked about each other fondly, the media interest has soared. However, all that attention doesn’t mean that everyone accepts them for themselves.

Maria And Lucy All Grown Up (18 Years Old)
Are There True Friends out There
Once the twins chose to interview with a variety of media outlets, college friends were split. Some of them were impressed at the unusual story, though others couldn’t believe it. Maria claimed that someone asked her if she had a twin at all when she presented a photo of Lucy. Of course, once the television aired the situation, some non-believers did turn around and realize that it was all true.

Lucy And Maria Posing For A Picture
They’re Used to It
Even though these girls have had to deal with their biracial differences their whole lives, it’s still a little upsetting when people don’t believe them. Imagine how it would feel to be told that your sister isn’t your biological sister. Maria says that they are quite used to skeptics, but is that right? Should Lucy and Maria be required to explain themselves at every turn? They don’t think so, but they also know how the world works and try not to let it get them down.

Lucy And Maria Aylmer Non Identical Twins
Need to See Proof
Close friends should take everything seriously, but the story was so atypical that it didn’t happen. Maria’s and Lucy’s friends often had trouble believing that they were twins and could look so different. As a test, some have begged Lucy and Maria to show proof through birth certificates to help ease the questions. This shows the girls (and others) just how uncommon it is to have biracial twins. It’s harder for people to accept it.

Lucy And Maria Sporting Different Styles
Are There Any Twin Traits?
Since the twin girls weren’t close when they were growing up, they tended to feel that they were worlds apart. However, when interviewed by Inside Edition, the one question that seemed the most important was if they had that ‘psychic bond’ that many twins claim to have. Both girls openly admitted that they don’t necessarily feel a psychic bond, such as the ability to sense when the other is in danger. However, they can sometimes feel pain in the same areas.

Maria And Lucy – Very Different Twins
Health Issues Biracial Twins Might Face
Though Maria and Lucy haven’t had any issues, sometimes, biracial twins can face certain health issues. For example, biracial twins can develop depression and other mental health problems. They are constantly breaking down stigma and answering the same questions about their parents and siblings. It can take a toll on the person. They may also have trouble sleeping, which can be a contributing factor to high blood pressure, heart disease, and more.

Woman With Depression
They’re More Similar than They Know
Maria and Lucy contrast with one another in a variety of ways. They’ve learned to celebrate their differences using style and fashion. However, there are plenty of similarities. They both feature slender and tall physiques and could be models at 18 years old. You have to look beyond their skin tone, eyes, and hair to notice the others. These girls will always have the others’ back regardless of the situation. These two aren’t the only biracial twins, either. Read on to learn about others.

Similarities And Differences Between Lucy And Maria
Similar, Yet Very Different
When most people think of biracial twins, they think of one being quite dark and the other much lighter. However, Kalani and Jarani Dean do have similar skin colors, though they aren’t the same. Their father is black, and their mom is white. Kalani is fairer-skinned while Jarani has browner skin. Whitney Meyer, their mom, believes her daughters to be a strong symbol against racism. The genetic phenomenon could create more social awareness and help others come to realize that skin color is trivial.

Infants Kalani And Jarani Dean Being Held By Their Parents
Biology of Genes
Skin color is likely determined by about seven genes that work together. If a man or woman is of a mixed race, the sperm or egg could contain a mixture of the gene coding for various colors of skin. When the egg is fertilized, there could be all the different skin color genes. When the embryo splits, those genes are still all mixed up, which is why you can have a boy and girl set of twins and a black and white set of twins.

Various Skin Tones Chart
Surprise! Twins of Different Colors
Larry and Joanne were pleasantly surprised to find out they were having twins. They wondered whether the babies would look more like the mom or dad. Larry is black while Joanne is white. Biracial parents usually think their babies will be a mixture, but they were surprised to have one white and one black baby. At first, the twins’ differences were subtle, but that quickly changed as they grew older.

Larry And Joanne’s Biracial, Fraternal Twins
Skin Color Aside, They’re Twins
Though it’s easy to focus on one pair of non-identical twins, there are others, even if biracial twins is quite rare. Millie and Marcia Biggs are contrasting to Lucy and Maria because they’re closer in manner and style. They tend to walk to school while holding hands and even feature the same hairstyle. Though it’s clear with one glance that they aren’t identical, they do share physical attributes and sport matching uniforms, lunch bags, and hobbies.

Marcia And Millie Biggs – Non Identical, Biracial Twins
Why Parents Dress Twins the Same?
You may be wondering why parents of twins prefer to dress their children up in the same clothes. When they’re identical twins, it makes it much harder to determine who is who. Parents of biracial twins like the idea of dressing the same and want to experience all aspects of having two babies at the same time. Plus, it can help young biracial twins feel connected to their sibling when others may question whether or not they are twins or even related.

Twin Sisters Dressed Identically
The Opposite Twin Brothers
Though it sounds like a thrilling movie, Daniel and James are fraternal twins. They do share the same parents, but nothing else – not even the same skin color! James is gay, black, outgoing, and enjoys his education. However, Daniel, his brother, is straight, white, shy, and dislikes school above all else. Their father is Jamaican, and their mom is white, which can explain the skin tone variation. Though Caribbean people are dark-skinned, they tend to carry the European DNA.

James And Daniel Fraternal, Biracial Twins
Mixed Race Doesn’t Just Mean Black and White
Most people don’t understand that being mixed-race doesn’t necessarily mean that you are part black and part white. You can be part Jamaican and part white or any other mixture. It depends on the race of the parents, which will determine what skin color the child may have. However, when twins are involved, the signals can get mixed (literally), so that each child has a different skin tone and race.

Mixed Race Couple With Biracial Twins
Mixed Genetics at Its Finest
Kian and Remee are twins who were born one minute apart. Their parents Remie and Kylee, come from biracial families with white moms and black dads. Therefore, they had a mixed genetic makeup from the start. Their twins were quite rare. One of the girls has a black skin tone with brown eyes while the other has blues eyes and blonde hair. Though their first word was ‘juice,’ that’s the only similarity between them.

Kian And Remee
A Family like the Rainbow
Viviana and Dennis Ng are so adorable, but you wouldn’t believe at first sight that they were twins. Of course, their skin tones are different, but their entire genetic make-up is like the color of the rainbow. The Ng family has many races within it from all over the world. Therefore, Dennis and Viviana have Hawaiian, African, Chinese, Hispanic, and European genes, so they are quite unique. Their mom gets a mixture of questions about her two precious angels, too.

Viviana And Dennis Ng – Multi Racial Twins
She Is Part of the Family!
It can be quite challenging to grow up and look different from the rest of the family. This happened to Breana Cincotta throughout her life. She was often teased because she had a lighter skin-tone than her twin sister. Though they have grown up to be strong and independent young women, they both say it shaped who they are and how they treat others. However, most people still don’t believe they’re related, let alone twins.

Adult Fraternal, Biracial Twins
Bullying/Teasing Takes a Toll on a Child’s Mental Health
Imagine being ridiculed every day and being told that you were adopted or not part of your family. That would sting quite a bit. Such bullying might be done all the time, but it hurts worse when you’re part of a biracial twin set. These people often feel unappreciated, depressed, and might even start to believe what others say. It can also happen when people aren’t being rude, as the same questions can take a toll.

Child Being Laughed At
A Family of Biracial Twins!
The Spooner family is considered unique almost anywhere they go. Not only do they have a pair of biracial twins, but they actually have two pairs. They gave birth to a set of twins who featured different skin tones. About seven years later, they had another set of twins, who were also biracial. Geneticists claim this happens because people are marrying outside the gene pool, which breaks down the barriers between the races. It’s likely to happen more often soon, but now it’s still a rarity.

The Spooner Family With Two Sets Of Biracial Twins
What Are the Odds?
It is very rare for one couple to have two sets of twins of the same skin color. Whether fraternal or identical, this phenomenon doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. However, the chances of one couple having two sets of twins with different skin and hair colors is all but unheard of. In fact, the chances are just two in one million. Since 130 million babies are born each year throughout the world, you can see that it’s still quite rare for one couple to have two sets of biracial twins.

Older Pair Of Biracial Twins Holding Sibling Baby Biracial Twins
Identical Except for Skin Tone
Though some twins don’t look anything alike and have different skin tones, Amelia and Jasmine are identical twins. However, one is white, and one is black. They’re believed to be the first genetically black and white twins who are also identical. They were born in the UK. The parents were told that they’d have identical twins before birth, so they worried about telling their babies apart. However, they didn’t have to worry because they look like two different races.

Amelia And Jasmine – Identical, Biracial Twins
Couple Adopted Embryos and Look What Happened
Rachel and Aaron Halbert are both Caucasian, but with a family of three African American babies. As you can clearly see below, families come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. This couple chose to adopt African American embryos and were told by doctors that there was just a four-percent chance that they’d have triplets. Though they knew they were going to have babies of a different race, they were quite shocked.

Rachel And Aaron Holding The Triplets With Their Two Older Children
Spotting Concerns
Spotting is quite common during early pregnancy, but it can still be worrisome. Often, it happens because the fertilized egg is embedding into the womb’s lining. However, it can indicate that a miscarriage might occur. Because Rachel’s didn’t go away, she went to her local clinic to ensure that everything was fine. Though fear gripped her and she was upset, she tried to stay calm. Then, the doctor told her some news that she was not expecting to hear.

Woman In Pain
Pregnant with Triplets
The doctor told her that one of the embryos that had been adopted and implanted had split, which results in identical twins plus the other, single embryo. Of course, Rachel was a little shocked! She already had two adopted children, Catherine and Ford, and now she was getting ready to have three more! But how did the couple even learn about adopting embryos? Did they just ask a friend to donate them and freeze them until they were ready for more children?

Pregnant Woman’s Belly Holding Triplets
Why They Chose Embryo Adoption
Aaron planned to become a missionary, and the family was moving to Honduras when they initially learned about embryo adoption. Rachel loved the idea of experiencing pregnancy and was primarily motivated by statistics. About 60,000 frozen embryos could be up for adoption, according to the US Department of Health/Human Services. This has been a hot-button topic in the US for many years, which may have given Rachel the idea to go ahead with it.

Frozen Embryo
The Complexities Involving Frozen Embryo Adoption
For the family donating the embryo, adoption can be very difficult. As with giving a baby up for adoption, it’s probably one of the hardest decisions a person can make. You’ll live with the thought that someone else is raising your biological child. Rachel believed that these biological parents are brave and selfless for donating their embryos. However, some have questioned Rachel on her decision to adopt an embryo when children already born are waiting to be adopted. Find out what she says about that.

Process Of Embryo Transfer
All Lives Matter
Rachel isn’t saying that the lives of already born children aren’t as important as unborn children. However, she also doesn’t believe that they are more essential than unborn children. All children’s lives are to be valued. The couple’s decision wasn’t taken lightly at all. They both thought long and hard about their makeup and how it would appear to others when they had black children. Plus, they also had to worry about their other two children, Ford and Catherine.

All Lives Matter
How the Public Reacted
Celebrities always set the fads, and right now, that happens to be adoption and multiple babies. The Halberts ended up experiencing both! Of course, many celebrities had to deal with harsh judgments of others when they chose to adopt to grow their families. These include Viola Davis, Sandra Bullock, Hoda Kotb, and Hugh Jackson, among others. It seems that the public can’t understand why people want to adopt. In the Halberts case, the question was why they’d adopt African American embryos.

Charlize Theron With Her Adopted African American Daughter
How Twins in a Set of Triplets Occurs
It’s amazing how the body works and what genetics can do for a person. Most people would think that triplets are either all identical or all fraternal. However, they also usually believe that one embryo broke into three separate ones. This is often how it works. In the Halbert’s case, two of the babies are identical twins, while the other is a singleton and is formed from a different egg/sperm. Because there were two embryos, this is likely what happened.

The Triplets
How Others Respond to the Mixed Family
Most people have a hard time understanding the concept of identical twins and a singleton born at the same time. However, they also have issues with embryo adoption. When you add them all together, it’s tough for the family to answer all of the questions that are raised. Most of the time, Rachel emphasizes to people that their five children are siblings; genetic makeup doesn’t matter because they are a family.

Single Embryo Splitting
What the Couple Plan to Do Now
Giving birth to three African American babies is a marvel in itself, but when both parents are white, it makes it even more amazing. Right now, the couple is undecided as to whether or not they will have more children or consider adoption again. They’re quite busy with a 4-year-old Ford, 3-year-old Catherine, and 1-year-old triplets, named Anne, Whitley, and Ryley. You have to admit the family is quite unique, with all of the children being transracially adopted at birth.

All Five Children
Meet the Cunningham Twins
An Ohio couple are the proud parents of these twins. The mother’s white while the father is black. Doctors have called the twins a medical marvel, but the couple faced a lot of backlash and criticism from their community. Ghabriael has blonde hair, blue eyes, and light skin. Triniti has brown eyes, dark skin, and dark hair. These poor children were called derogatory names, and so have their parents. It’s been tough, but they all persevere.

Ghabriael And Triniti Cunningham
Kyle and Hannah
The couple, Kyle and Hannah, found out they were going to have twins, and all of their friends started joking. The running laugh was that one child would be dark and the other one fair, similar to the parents. Of course, they laughed at it and claimed it wasn’t probable. Therefore, they were quite stunned when the joke turned out to be a reality. This couple doesn’t mind all the stares and comments because most people are just surprised and not being rude or mean.

Kyle And Hannah’s Biracial Twins
America’s Next Top Everything
Nyle DiMarco was the winner of America’s Top Model, but that wasn’t the only shock. He’s got a twin brother named Nico, and they look nothing alike. Nico has striking red hair and fair skin, while Nyle has dark hair and slightly darker skin tones. If that weren’t enough to impress, both of the brothers were born deaf. Though they aren’t technically biracial, they look nothing alike and are still twins who have overcome a lot of obstacles.

Nyle And Nico DiMarco
Not a Twin, but Still Unique
Baby Daniel isn’t a twin, but he is quite a medical surprise. Both of his parents are from African heritage, but he looks nothing like them! He’s got blonde hair and fair skin; even his own father had a moment’s doubt as to whether or not he was the father. Daniel isn’t biracial or albino. His features occurred from a slight genetic mutation. His mom heard stories about women birthing white babies but always imagined it to be a myth.

Baby Daniel Being Held By His Mom
The Doctors and Nurses Were Shocked
Of course, when Arlette gave birth, everyone was instantly shocked. The nurses and doctors were almost afraid to show the couple their new baby. Primarily, they worried about the father, Francis. Would he immediately assume infidelity and cause a scene? The hospital staff was unsure, but they couldn’t keep the baby hidden. Arlette was already reaching for him, so they did the only thing they could do. They presented Daniel to the parents.

The Whole Family
Complete Shock from Both Parents
Of course, the parents were in total shock. Francis immediately looked closer when he bent down to give his newborn son a kiss. He saw the features and instantly knew that it was their son. Arlette did have a fleeting moment of worry when she thought her husband might claim she had been unfaithful. However, she knew of his love and trust for her and quickly got over her fears. Plus, she was already in love with her new, white son.

Doctor Handing A Newborn To His Mom
No One Understands
It’s funny, but Arlette and Francis get puzzled glances wherever they go. They don’t like to cover up their son or try to hide them, but they also fear that he will start crying in a crowded shop. Of course, many immediately think that people are imagining that they stole the baby. However, most people are open and honest. Instead of gossiping or pointing, they come right out and ask. It’s a little embarrassing, but the couple has had to get used to it.

People Staring At Something Different
Their Plans for the Future
Francis and Arlette already know that both of their sons are going to have many questions when they grow up. People will make fun of them and tease or bully them. They worry that they won’t be able to provide many answers. However, they want Daniel and their firstborn, Seth, to realize that everyone is unique and that it’s okay to be different. The couple imagines what the future holds for them all, but skin color won’t have anything to do with it.

Arlette Holding Baby Daniel
The Miracle Rainbow Baby Twins
It’s common after a miscarriage to call carried-to-term children Rainbow Babies. Carole and Brian had been trying for a long time, suffering miscarriages and other issues. Finally, when they did have the chance to get their Rainbow baby, they learned they’d have two. When the day came to give birth, the couple realized how miraculous the blessing was. The babies were born with two different skin tones. The whole situation was so unlikely to happen, so these babies are quite unique.

Carole And Brian Holding Their Rainbow, Biracial Babies
Was It Harder for Them to Conceive?
Most people don’t realize that having twins puts double the strain on the woman’s body. Since Carole had already had a miscarriage, she was at an increased risk of having another one. When you add two babies to the mix, the risk was heightened even more. Plus, she was at increased risk for miscarriage, even going into the third trimester. However, her doctors took great care of her and monitored her throughout the pregnancy.

Pregnant Woman On Bed Rest