Man’s Best Friend
There’s a reason why dogs are called man’s best friend. For Navy veteran James Pack, his dogs were something more: hey were his entire life, which is why the dilemma he was faced with was so difficult.

Man’s Best Friend
More Than Just A Pet
Dogs are more than just pets. They become part of the family and a person grows to love them as such. They not only provide comfort, and security for their owners, but heaps of unconditional love as well.

More Than Just A Pet
Heartbreaking Decisions
When ex veteran James Pack suffered a heart attack at age 58, he knew that taking care of his beloved dogs, Blaze and Bailey was going to be difficult. Putting the dogs up for adoption seemed like the only choice.

Heartbreaking Decisions
The Unforeseeable Future
Jack never expected something to happen that will render him incapacitated or unable to care for himself and his pets. Life has a way of throwing unexpected curve balls sometimes. How could he come out of this on top?

The Unforeseeable Future
Weighing The Options
Despite reaching out to his family for help, it wasn’t enough, the only option left on the table for Pack was to get in touch with the SPCA and First State Animal Center. Pack’s world was turning upside down.

Weighing The Options
Would The Dogs Feel Abandoned Again?
Blaze had been abandoned at a rescue center by his previous owners and Bailey had been born there. They knew how lonely it was. The last thing Jack wanted was for his dogs to think that he was abandoning them.

Would The Dogs Feel Abandoned Again?
An Uncertain Future For Blaze And Bailey
Dogs that are abandoned in shelters are scarred for life and need a lot of love and affection to trust humans again. Giving the dogs up for adoption was truly the last resort. It broke Jack’s heart to have to do that.

An Uncertain Future For Blaze And Bailey
Pack’s Dream Job
Pack’s dream job had always been building and construction. He loved the idea of being part of creating something new. He had thought to himself that one day he would take a course to help him achieve his dream.

Pack’s Dream Job
When Pack completed his Navy service after the Vietnam war, he furthered his education by studying construction management. Pack refused to give up on this dream, even though he was aware that construction would take its toll on his body.

A Job Worth The Sacrifice
Once he completed his course, he managed to find his dream job. He couldn’t be happier. Working in construction was arduous work but he loved every minute of it. Not to mention, it helped put food on the table.

A Job Worth The Sacrifice
The Diagnosis
Pack was diagnosed with a heart condition but refused to give up his job. Sadly, this was just the start of a very bumpy road. As his health condition worsened, Pack left his dream job to become a driver instead.

The Diagnosis
Forced To Give Up His Dream
Unfortunately, Jack put away his hard hat in exchange for a driver’s hat. He had to quit his dream job because it was too physically taxing on his body. He then became a driver in order to make ends meet.

Forced To Give Up His Dream
Life Seemed To Be Getting Harder
First, it was the diagnosis of his heart condition, then giving up his dream job. Jack felt disheartened as his life was going from bad to worse. What else could go wrong? He wasn’t sure he could handle anything else.

Life Seemed To Be Getting Harder
A Decision That Would Change His Life
Jack decided that he wouldn’t sit back and let this condition determine his happiness. He had an idea that he hoped would help lift his spirits. A companion would help, so he was going to get himself a furry friend.

A Decision That Would Change His Life
Where To Start?
He went to a pet shop and saw some dogs for sale but it didn’t feel right. He then decided to visit an animal shelter because the thought of giving a shelter dog a home felt like the better choice.

Where To Start?
A Friendship Is Born
Meeting an eight week old Labrador Pitbull mix seemed to be the light at the end of Pack’s dark tunnel. When Pack held Blaze for the first time, he knew the pup would be the perfect addition to his family.

A Friendship Is Born
Blaze was different from other dogs, Pack could tell this from the moment he looked into his little eyes. Both Pack and the little pup needed each other. This was the beginning of a special bond between the pair.

A New Sense Of Purpose
With everything that had happened to Pack in those last couple of weeks, bringing Blaze home was exactly what he needed. Blaze gave him a new sense of purpose and meaning and filled his days with unconditional love and joy.

A New Sense Of Purpose
Life Seemed Perfect
Pack still had heart problems, but he was managing it with medication. He had Blaze and his job as a driver. Nothing was missing from his life, in fact, it seemed perfect. But then he started to wonder if Blaze needed a canine companion…

Life Seemed Perfect
Unexpected Call
A year after Pack had adopted Blaze, he received an unexpected call from the same adoption center. They wanted to know if Pack was ready to adopt another dog. Unconvinced by the idea, Pack decided to pay them a visit.

Unexpected Call
Blaze’s Approval Was Important
The thought that Blaze might need a furry companion had crossed his mind but he didn’t know if he could care for another dog. He took Blaze with to meet the new puppy to see if they would get along.

Blaze’s Approval Was Important
Pack’s New Pack
As soon as Pack saw the newborn puppy emerging from the crate, he instantly changed his mind about the new adoption. Even Blaze approved of the idea. The sweet pup named Bailey became the new addition to the Pack family.

Pack’s New Pack
Sheer Happiness
Now a family of three, Pack, Blaze, and Bailey got along so well. He couldn’t believe just how well Bailey fit into his family. His two furry children loved each other as if they’d always known each other. Life was good.

Sheer Happiness
A Turn Of Events
Pack, who found himself lying in a hospital bed, had suffered a heart attack that left him unconscious for five days. His beloved dogs were not at his side. The only question on his mind was where the dogs were.

A Turn Of Events
Finding Answers
Finally, Pack got word that both Bailey and Blaze had been taken into the care of the SPCA and a local animal organization. They would look after the dogs until Pack was well enough to look after them himself again.

Finding Answers
No End In Sight
Sadly, Pack’s condition didn’t seem to be getting any better. The dogs were only kept for five days, which was not enough time for Pack to recover. Pack’s future with his beloved dogs Bailey and Blaze was not looking good.

No End In Sight
Worried About His Dogs
Even though Pack was fighting for his life, he was more worried about his dogs. He knew they’d been at the SPCA since his heart attack, but didn’t know what would happen to them. Would he ever get them back?

Worried About His Dogs
A Longer Stay
Three weeks after the heart attack, volunteers had contacted Pack’s doctors to find out about his condition. It turned out that Pack had contracted a serious infection, which meant that Bailey and Blaze would not be going home anytime soon.

A Longer Stay
Tough Decisions
This put the SPCA and First State Animal Center in a difficult position. The dogs had already been in their care for several weeks and Pack’s health did not seem to be improving. They had to make a tough decision.

Tough Decisions
Bad News
The carers were determined to keep the dogs as long as possible, but their efforts were helpless, the decision to rehome Bailey and Blaze was made. The Doctors knew that the bad news could put more strain on Pack’s heart.

Bad News
Gaining Strength
Pack’s condition had worsened, the entire left side of his body had become temporarily paralyzed. However, Pack was not going to let this get in the way of contacting the SPCA himself to find out about Blaze and Bailey.

Gaining Strength
Hopeful Call
Packs condition made it difficult for the SPCA to understand what he was saying over the phone, but they knew what it was about. They told him that they would try to keep the dogs for as long as possible.

Hopeful Call
The Surrender
Lindsay Carrothers a worker at the SPCA shared her concern about Pack’s recovery In an interview with Delaware State News. “He didn’t have anybody to care for his two dogs, so he had to surrender them.”

The Surrender
The Fight
Lindsay Carrothers also added that the dogs are “super adorable. He has them trained to a T.” Despite receiving the bad news, it had a very positive impact on Pack’s recovery. He was adamant to get Blaze and Bailey back.

The Fight
Have They Been Adopted By Someone Else?
Pack was worried that Blaze and Bailey had been adopted because they were such amazing dogs. Not only were they beautiful dogs, but they were well behaved and trained really well. Anyone would want to give them a forever home.

Have They Been Adopted By Someone Else?
Growing Apart
Pack had been recovering in the hospital for over three months. While he was waiting to be discharged, the only question on his mind was: Did Blaze and Bailey miss him and would they still remember who he is?

Growing Apart
The Search
Finally, Pack was out of the hospital and ready to reunite with his pets. However, the dogs were not at the shelter. In a panic, Pack contacted the shelter to find out where Bailey and Blaze had been sent to.

The Search
Pack Thought He Had Lost His Babies
At this point, Pack was beside himself with worry. He was convinced that the dogs had been adopted. He thought that no one wanted to tell him while he was in the hospital because they thought it could affect his recovery.

Pack Thought He Had Lost His Babies
Finding Blaze And Bailey
The shelter had transferred the dogs to PetSmart where they had a better chance of being adopted. Unbeknownst to Pack, the well behaved dogs had not found a forever home yet, giving him more time to get his beloved pets back.

Finding Blaze And Bailey
Such Relief
As soon as he found out that the dogs had been taken elsewhere he felt an immediate relief. He wanted to see them, so he hopped on a bus, even though he didn’t know if they had been adopted or not.

Such A Relief
High Hopes
Pack immediately made his way to the PetSmart, hoping to reunite with his precious Bailey and Blaze. When he got there, he told the PetSmart staff about his ordeal and how his “family” was torn apart when he fell ill.

High Hopes
Emotional Reunion
The staff was so moved by the story that they quickly jumped on board to help. “It was an emotional reunion,” Carrothers said. “He was emotional. The dogs were excited to see him. It was completely heart touching. Everybody cried.”

Emotional Reunion
He Couldn’t Believe It
Pack couldn’t believe that the SPCA had kept his dogs for him all this time and that they hadn’t been adopted. It was as if they were meant to be his and no amount of time away would have changed that.

He Couldn’t Believe It
The Financial Toll
Since the hospital stay had taken its toll on Pack’s finances, he didn’t have a home to take the dogs back to. However, as luck would have it, his hard work paid off and he was able to secure a small place.

The Financial Toll
Starting Over
Because Pack was away from work for so long, he had lost his job as a driver. This meant he didn’t have an income and couldn’t afford much. He sincerely hoped that he wouldn’t need to pay anything to get his dogs back.

Starting Over
Price To Pay
In addition to this financial burden, Pack still needed to pay the adoption fee of $201 to PetSmart. Pack managed to gather a bit of money together and promised to pay the rest as soon as he got a job.

Price To Pay
Unfortunately, PetSmart would not return the dogs unless the fee had been paid in full. Heartbroken and desperate to get his dogs back, Pack decided to sell his car to the local junkyard for extra money. Until something extraordinary happened…

Call From The Angels
Melissa Eagle, a worker at the SPCA had witnessed the emotional reunion. Eagle called Pack just as he was about to sell his car and told him that she was determined to help him get Blaze and Bailey back home.

Call From The Angels
A Moment Of Despair
Pack prayed at church every day, and things were starting to look up. Finally, He had enough money for the adoption fee. However, when he approached Lindsay Carrothers, she said it still wasn’t enough and refused to take his money.

A Moment Of Despair
All Hope Is Lost
When Pack heard this, he broke down in tears and asked over and over again, “Why is that? I can’t have my dogs?” Pack was begging, hoping, longing for his dogs back but that dream seemed to be over.

All Hope Is Lost
Behind The Scenes
It may have seemed that the staff at PetSmart were unsympathetic towards Pack’s situation. However, they felt the pain Pack was going through and had a secret plan of their own. They were going to return all of his money!

Behind The Scenes
A Miracle
The store already knew that the veteran would not be able to afford the adoption fee and lowered the price. However, that was not all, thanks to the help of Melissa Eagle, someone had already covered the cost in full.

A Miracle
Good Samaritans
When Melissa Eagle decided to get involved, she knew that there would be others, just like her, willing to help. And she was right! Another lady by the name of Chris Malec had covered the cost of the adoption fee.

Good Samaritans
A Christmas To Remember
The adoption fee was not the only gift Pack received that year. Carrothers pulled out many bags from behind the counter that was filled with food, toys, gift cards, and more. Many of the gifts came from volunteers from shelters.

A Christmas To Remember
The Final Reunion
Overwhelmed with joy, Pack was finally about to be reunited with Bailey and Blaze. Carrothers brought the dogs to him and immediately, they ran straight towards and began licking him. There was more in store for Pack and his pets!

The Final Reunion
The Real Heroes
The SPCA and the First State Animal Center have been proudly caring for and helping animals and humans since 1953. In 2005, the organization was given the sole authority to control and manage animals in the State of Delaware.

The Real Heroes
Mission Accomplished
When the organization heard that Pack had been found lying unconscious in a parking lot after a heart attack, they did everything in there power to care for Blaze and Bailey. Without them, who knows what would have happened!

Mission Accomplished
A Helping Hand
During Pack’s rehabilitation, he learned that many organizations help veterans in their time of need such as Veteran Affairs and the Delaware Commission for Veteran Affairs. Thanks to the help of these organizations, Pack managed to find work.

A Helping Hand
Going Viral
Carrothers had recorded the emotional reunion on video. Everyone who helped Pack had organized to come together and witness the special moment without Pack knowing. When the volunteers revealed who they were, Pack thanked and embraced every single person there.

Going Viral
Happy Ending
Melissa posted the video on social media, and the response was overwhelming. She also started a GoFundMe page and raised over $7000 in two days! Pack, Melissa, and the dogs were invited on Fox & Friends to share their amazing story!

Happy Ending